Sunday, January 6, 2019

A New New Small Victories

2 years… over 2 years since I have posted. Where has the time gone? I could fill this post with 100 excuses of why. Why I have derailed, why I haven't continued to blog, etc... but I won't. I don't want to look back at the fabulous mess I have been. I want to look to the future and improving myself.

What's new...

  • We still live in North Carolina and have sort of found our spot. It hasn't been easy for me to adjust working from home full time, but it gets better as the time goes on. 
  • I have found a workout class that works really well for me. It is a boot came style class that is outdoors. The trainer is amazing, the workouts kick my butt and I have met some fabulous people. I have been going for a year, with some travel breaks. 
  • I have gained about 20 lbs. the last 3 years. That sentence is extremely hard for me to write. I have been disappointed, ashamed and discouraged by it. I have lost and gained about 10 lbs. of that in the past year. Right now I am back down about 6 lbs. from my 20 lb. gain. 
  • Running! I have found my spark again. Last September I did a run at Hinson Lake. It is a 24 hour run where you just get in as many miles as you can. I plan on doing a whole blog post about this amazing time, but wanted to bring it up. It gave me the motivation I have lacked for a couple years. 
  • 2 Half Marathons are in my future for 2019! 
  • I am going back to school for my bachelors in Business.

I think that about sums up my journey the last few years I have been radio silent on the blog. The journey derailed, but I am feeling confident and positive I am back in the right mind. It is a different lifestyle I live from when I first started this journey. It has been hard (really hard) to adjust, but feel I may be ready again. I hit another low... anxiety over how I looked, worried about what people thought and not wanting to do things because I gained some weight. I am done.

So here is to another year, a new start to this journey and all the goals and challenges to come in 2019! 

I am happy to be back!


  1. Always so proud of you <3 You are living your life with obstacles. Holly, as I have said, You are truly amazing and we love you so much! You've got this even when you don't <3 Love you!

    1. Thank you SO much. I will never be able to every put into words how much your support means. Especially when I stumble <3 Love you and the fam!
