Thursday, December 19, 2013

Running In Place.

I am not going lie, I have been pretty stuck the past couple of months and have felt bad for not having anything exciting to report. I am the same weight and doing the same workouts. I have gotten myself in such a rut, I am not sure how to get myself out of this one.

The last couple of weeks I have done really well with my workouts and eating. Then the weekends come and I ruin everything that happened during the week. I gain the weight I just lost and feel like crap. Then Monday comes around and I set back on my path... to then ruin again on the weekend. It is a viscous cycle that I am getting tired of.

The holidays usually are a pretty happy time for me. I love being with my family and always enjoy some Christmas cheer. However, at this point in time, I am just worried about gaining weight. I haven't been losing like I had been in a long time and all the holiday temptation isn't going to be good.

All in all, I am in a funk and I am unsure how to go about getting out of it.

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