Here we go! Finally starting something new to mix my daily routine up a bit. I have been in such a rut with the same food, same workout and not enough motivation.
I got a Magic Bullet blender for Christmas and made my first smoothie ever today! It was pretty good. I do think there will be some trial and error with the flavors though. I got a lot of great suggestions from friends and family as far as different combinations and how to store them for lunch. (Friends and family are always a great source of information!) I also tried almond milk for the first time and LOVED it. I am not a fan of dairy milk, so having this alternative is fantastic.
Ingredients for the first smoothie: Strawberries, peanut butter, almond milk and spinach. (Kind of tasted like pb&j)
So with this new smoothie adventure, I am hoping it will get me more excited about food. I have been eating the same things for a while and haven't found any new recipes to spice things up. I feel like last year was all about the running and nothing about the food. Don't get me wrong, I still made healthy choices, but I was in the "I know what I am doing" mentality. When you are "assuming" you are doing things correctly... the portions seem to creep up and the "cheat days" seem to increase. That is what I want to prevent this year.
One thing I also have left at the wayside is reading articles and other books on living healthy. Wither it be about running or a person that lost a significant amount of weight, those stories are so motivating to me and I need to find more of those! Nothing inspires me more than reading about someone else's healthy journey. (Any suggestions of articles, blogs or books would be appreciated!)
So here we go, another year for small victories. Getting back to the basics and the healthy living mentality that has brought me this far. Still about 50 lbs. to lose and I would totally be lying if I said it didn't matter if I lost those 50 this year. I want it gone, I want to move forward and I want to feel that excitement again.
Cheers to a new year and keeping your head up.
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