Friday, January 17, 2014

Much Needed Picture Update!

You may notice a new look to the first page of my blog. My lovely and talented friends help make it what it is! Samantha took the pic and my awesome friend Erin took the time to update it for me.

Going back and looking at pictures help me refocus on how far I have come. I still have the doubt about how far I have to go yet, but those pictures make it worth it. I see myself everyday and in my eyes no changes have come about for a long time. (long long time)

I will get to that ultimate goal one day. Over all, the changes I have made in the last 3 years are HUGE. I feel like I have lived 2 different lives. Sure I have my doubts, but I have also never been happier, which is the main goal. (mind blown)

So thank you again to my amazing friends who help me get my story out. I greatly appreciate the time you take to help me look good!

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