Happy New Year! Who is ready for 2014 to be THE year?
Everyone knows that at the beginning of the year, many people set that "new years resolution" goal to "lose weight". This also means that the gyms get packed, tons of weight loss products on the shelf and even more commercials on the "quick easy weight loss" remedy that someone has created. Most stick with it for a few months and then by March it is over.
If there is one thing this journey has taught me, is that you can't rely on the "New Years resolution". I am starting my 4th year of living healthier and have had a lot of ups and downs. It takes a lot more than saying... I am going to lose weight for the new year. Things need to be planned, smaller goals need to be made and one needs to be fully committed.
A New Year, but the same goal for me... Live as healthy as I can and get to that goal weight. That is what I am focusing on this year. 2013 I focused so much on the half marathon and strayed away from the basics. Didn't gain, but didn't lose a whole lot either. I feel refocused this year. Still doing the half, but have realized there is more to living healthy than just training. There is a balance to be had and I plan on being committed to that.
I will forever be learning about this journey and finding myself in the process. I can't wait to see what 2014 has for me.
How are you going to make it YOUR year?
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